Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Field Experience Reflection

1.  How many hours did you complete?

2.  In a short paragraph or bulleted list, how did you spend your time?
  • Attended a professional development workshop called "Reading with Meaning" by Debbie Miller which focuses on reading comprehension strategies for primary age students
  • Observed public library during story time
3.  How did the experience help you to strengthen at least one Kentucky Teacher Standard?

Through my professional development I have strengthened Kentucky Teacher Standard 7:  The teacher reflects on and evaluates teaching and learning.  By learning new reading comprehension strategies, I have reflected on my own teaching practice and learned new ways to foster literacy.  In addition, I have strengthened Kentucky Teacher Standard 8: The teacher collaborates with colleagues, parents and others.  This can be seen by collaborating with the librarian and using the librarian as a partner when planning lessons, units, and projects. 

4.  Talk a little bit about something you learned because of this experience.
     This field experience has allowed me to utilize and appreciate the library as a tool and means for teaching.  It is more than four walls and a building to store books, but rather a place to gain information and learn and share that information as well.  It has also made me aware of the invaluable resource a librarian can be, not only for students, but for teachers.  I want to collaborate more with the librarian when doing lessons and projects because the librarian can be a source of information and ideas. 
      This class has reminded me how much I truly enjoy children's literature.  Before attending University of the Cumberlands to attain my Master's Degree in Reading/Writing, I started my graduate work (one semester) in Library Information Resources hoping to be a school librarian.  School and district budget cuts were eliminating many of these positions in the schools so I decided to go into reading specialization to further my education.   This is a decision that I do not regret and has given me a firm foundation in teaching literacy and reading.  It seems fitting that my final graduate class upon graduation has rekindled my love for children's literature and in doing so has inspired me to return to the academia world to finish my Library Science degree with the desire to become a school librarian.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Reading Log & Wiki Checklist


READING LOG    Genre / Titles you read

             I.      Non-fiction/Informational
      1)     Dolphin Baby! by Nicola Davies
      2)     Sneeze! by Alexandra Siy
      3)     Red-Eyed Tree Frog by Joy Cowley

          II.      Poetry
1)      Who Killed Mr. Chippendale? by Mel Glenn
2)      The Armadillo from Amarillo by Lynne Cherry
3)      Toasting Marshmallows: Camping Poems by Kristine O’Connell George
4)      Morning, Noon, and Night: Poems to Fill Your Day Selected by Sharon Taberski
5)      Mammalabilia by Douglas Florian
6)      Summersaults by Douglas Florian
7)      Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars by Douglas Florian

       III.      Modern Fantasy         
1)      A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
2)      Lewis and Clark and Me: A Dog’s Tale by Laurie Myers

       IV.      Historical Fiction
1)      Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool
2)      A. Lincoln and Me by Louise Borden
3)      Mr. Williams by Karen Barbour
4)      Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Doreen Rappaport
5)      Dreaming of America: An Ellis Island Story by Eve Bunting
6)      Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis

          V.      Multicultural/Traditional
1)      Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain by Verna Aardema
2)      Whoever You Are by Mem Fox
3)      Fat Cat: A Danish Folktale retold by Margaret Read MacDonald
4)      Moja Means One: Swahili Counting Book by Muriel Feelings
5)      Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China by Ed Young
6)      Abiyoyo by Pete Seeger
7)      American Tall Tales by Mary Pope Osborne
8)      The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred by Samantha R. Vamos

       VI.      Realistic Fiction
1)      Bucking the Sarge by Christopher Paul Curtis
2)      A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams
3)      Jigsaw Pony by Jessie Haas

    VII.      Picture Books
1)      Seven  Blind Mice by Ed Young
2)      Canoe Days by Gary Paulsen
3)      Angel Child, Dragon Child by Michele Maria Surat
4)      The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man by Michael Chabon-  Texas Library Association (TLA) 2012 Summer Reading List
5)      No Dogs Allowed! by Linda Ashman-  TLA 2012 Summer Reading List
6)      Joseph Had a Little Overcoat by Simms Taback
7)      Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack Keats 
8)      The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
9)      Yo! Yes? by Chris Raschka
10)  Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems
11)  Mouse Island by Eve Bunting
12)  Riding the Tiger by Eve Bunting
13)  Brave Harriet: The First Woman to Fly the English Channel by Marissa Moss

TOTAL:  42 books


Instructions: Write the number of entries for each category you posted into on the Course Wiki (requirement is four total posts, in four different categories)

__1__ Social Studies
__1__ Science
____ Math
__1__ Music
__1__ Art
__1__ Reading/Language Arts
____ Physical Education
____ Other

Book Reflection (Week of: June 25-28)

Siy, A. (2007). Sneeze! Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.

Cover art for SNEEZE

Age Level:  10-12

Genre:  This is an informational book because it gives facts and information about aspects in biological science.

Summary:  Sneeze! is a book about sneezes, specifically how and why they are formed in the human body with examples of nine children and nine reasons for sneezes.

       This informational book is a photo essay containing vivid color micrograph images to accompany the facts and information about sneezes.  It is the type of information that would not be found in your typical classroom science textbook, nor would the photographs, or micrographs, be seen through any ordinary classroom microscope.  The micrograph images (some zoomed hundreds to thousands times actual size) allow the reader to see the allergens and microbes that cause sneezing in human beings.  The up-close view of the microscopic particles look almost like abstract art rather than ragweed, alder, or sagebrush (pg. 9). 
       My five year old son saw the book cover and immediately wanted me to read it to him.  I was a bit hesitant at first because I thought the content was too advanced for him (some of it was a bit over my head!), but I read it anyway.  He throughly enjoyed it and said, "Those can't be germs, they look too pretty" (pg. 34-35).

       I had many "Mark the Bold" words while reading this book.  Many of the bolded words are labels with captions next to the photograph.  All the bold words are in the back of the book in the glossary.  Because of many of the advanced vocabulary words such as myelin sheath (pg. 31), synapse (pg. 29), axon (pg.26) to name a few, the Mark the Bold strategy would work well.  This book would be a wonderful addition to a biology lesson because all students can relate to it- we all sneeze!  The back of the book contains extra information called "More About Sneezing" (pg. 40-41) that is worth mentioning.  Did you know a person does not sneeze while sleeping?  (Never thought about it, but learned something new!)  How about: Did you know that the first copyrighted motion picture was of a sneeze?  These are  interseting tidbits of information that one would not find in textbooks, but facts that students remember and make them want to read more about the topic.  This trade book would make a good  supplement to science lesson or for the value of learning new information.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Booktalk (Week of: June 25-28)

Curtis, C.P. (1999).  Bud not Buddy. New York: Scholastic, Inc..

       Have I ever told you the story about the time I was on the lam from the Home?  That's where they sent kids that didn't have a momma, or daddy, or any other kin to look after us.  Momma died when I was six and Daddy...well....I was going to find him, no matter what, even though I had never met him.  All's I knew is he played the biggest fiddle you ever did see, at least according to a flier Momma kept around with her. One thing's for certain, I was not going back to that Home! 
       Well, it all started back during the Depression.  Times were tough and, to make matters worse, I was only ten years old and weighed about as much as a sack of potatoes, had everything I owned with me in a suitcase, traveling, roaming, wandering away from Flint to find my daddy.  One thing that got me through it was, what I liked to call, "Bud Caldwell's Rules and Things to Have a Funner Life and Make a Better Liar Out of Yourself." (pg. 133)  Like:


Whenever a Adult Tells You to Listen Carefully and Talks to You
in a Real Calm Voice Do Not Listen, Run as Fast as You Can Because
Something Real Terrible Is Just Around the Corner. 
Especially If the Cops Are Chasing You.

Another thing I had to keep reminding folks was, "The name's Bud, Not Buddy"..... by Christopher Paul Curtis.

Bud, Not Buddy

Age Level:  Grade 3-8

Genre:  Historical Fiction

Friday, June 15, 2012

Book Reflection VI (Week: June 18-22)

Haas, J. (2005). Jigsaw pony.  China: Greenwillow.

Jigsaw Pony

Genre:  This book is realistic fiction because the characters and events could exist in real life and are believable.

Age Level:  Grade 2-4

Summary:  Jigsaw Pony is a story about twin girls, Fran and Kiera, that get the pet they have longed for- a pony named Jigsaw.  For two girls that fight and argue over almost everything, they agree that they both love Jigsaw.  The pony can do many things except jump and gallop for long periods of time.  The girls wonder if something is wrong with them or is something wrong with Jigsaw.

        If I were to give this book a rating, I would give it three out of four stars.  Jigsaw Pony would make an excellent choice for children transitioning from beginning readers to chapter books.  The vocabulary is not too difficult, there is an appropriate amount of illustrations, and it is organized with the right amount of white space for young readers.  It is written in third-person-limited-omniscient point of view as the reader occasionally gets glimpses into the horse's mind.  On page 35, Jigsaw's thoughts are, "He loved all the girls he'd met today."  Again on page 109, "He didn't miss Valerie.  He was too happy."   This book skirts on the edge of fantasy because there are a few episodes in the book, along with the occasional omniscient point of view by Jigsaw, that make the story somewhat unbelievable.  In one part of the book, Jigsaw hops  into the family station wagon.  Another episode describes the horse climbing stairs in the school building for show-n-tell.  I suppose these events could happen in real life, but it is highly unlikely.  I think these episodes in the story would appeal to young children and keep them interested in reading the story, especially those children reading their first chapter book, which is quite a feat for some students.  For me, these parts of the story seemed a bit ridiculous which is why I did not want to give the fourth star. 
        Jigsaw Pony is an emotional realism story because of the realistic feelings and relationships among the characters.  The twins fight and argue which is typical behavior amongst siblings.  This makes young children able to relate to the characters.  An example of this is on page 48: "They didn't want to choose spaghetti.  They didn't want to do Rock Paper Scissors.  They didn't even want to argue, which was unusual."   The nuclear family (mother, father, two sisters) in the book is very wholesome and the theme throughout the story is responsibility.  Teachers and parents could use this book to teach character education and responsibility to children.  There is limited conflict, except for the consistent arguing and fighting between the twins, and Jigsaw's lack of physical activities, which makes for a simple story line.  Overall, it is a "feel good,"  "happy family" book with a positive message.   Girls, horse lovers, and twins would enjoy this book as well as those readers venturing into their first chapter books.

Big Question:  Fran and Kiera are always fighting and arguing throughout the story.  How do you find ways to get along with others?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Book Reflection V: Week of: June 11-15

Florian, D. (2000).  Mammalabilia.  San Diego: Harcourt, Inc..


Age Level:  Grade 2-5

Genre:  This is a poetry book because of the rhythmic verse and word choice used throughout the selections.

Summary:  Mammalabilia is a collection of twenty-one poems about different mammals from aardvarks to tapirs. 

       I have always had a love-hate relationship with poetry.  As a child, I loved poetry from Mother Goose rhymes, to A Child's Book of Verses, to of course, Dr. Suess.   As I got into adolescence, and was forced to read works such as The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer, and Beowulf, I found that getting a root canal seemed more appealing than reading these epic poems.  Now as an adult I have come to  respect and understand poetry more because I realize that poetic words are carefully chosen and are like puzzle pieces that must carefully be placed together for the picture to be complete.
       I thoroughly enjoyed reading Mammalabilia, specialized poetry book, about different animals.  Our textbook introduced me to the author/illustrator, Douglas Florian, as it lists him as a notable children's poet.  So far I have read three of his children's books, Mammalabilia; Summersaults; and Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars, and have adored all of them.  What I like about this book in particular is his use of different types figurative language and poetry forms.  For example, on page 9, he uses a concrete poem to describe the Bactrian Camel by having the words on the page in the shape of two camel humps.  Again on page 45, he uses a concrete poem to describe "The Porcupine" with the words written upwards in lines like quills on a porcupine's back.  He also uses wordplay in several of his poems including "The Aardvarks" on page 6 with the lines: "Aardvarks aare odd." and "By faar in the daark."  This is a clever way of rhyming, but also imitating the word "aardvark." He does this on page 21 with the poem "The Lynx" saying that "coats of lynx...stynx."  Florian uses onomatopoeia on page 46 with the use of "come hear me purrr" and wordplay with the same poem, "stripes upon my furrr...like a blurrr...I am a tigerrr."  These poems would make good read-alouds, but because of the concrete poems, wordplay, and other visual elements, they really should be enjoyed being read individually for readers to get the full effect of the poems. 
       This book would be a wonderful supplement for a science animal unit of study.  It contains unusual animals like the lynx, ibex, tapir, and rhebok (it is not just a shoe).  Students could research a mammal and write a poem about their mammal as Florian does in this book., complete with a hand-painted illustration.  After reading this book's back matter, I learned that the illustrations in this book are gouache on brown paper bags.  Students could create their illustrations using this type of medium to mimic Florian's style of artwork.  Douglas Florian's works will be making a great debut upon my classroom library shelves!

Big Question:
Poetry tends to use metaphors (state something is something else) and similes (use of like or as) to compare things.  How are you like one of the animals in this book?