2. In a short paragraph or bulleted list, how did you spend your time?
- Attended a professional development workshop called "Reading with Meaning" by Debbie Miller which focuses on reading comprehension strategies for primary age students
- Observed public library during story time
Through my professional development I have strengthened Kentucky Teacher Standard 7: The teacher reflects on and evaluates teaching and learning. By learning new reading comprehension strategies, I have reflected on my own teaching practice and learned new ways to foster literacy. In addition, I have strengthened Kentucky Teacher Standard 8: The teacher collaborates with colleagues, parents and others. This can be seen by collaborating with the librarian and using the librarian as a partner when planning lessons, units, and projects.
4. Talk a little bit about something you learned because of this experience.
This field experience has allowed me to utilize and appreciate the library as a tool and means for teaching. It is more than four walls and a building to store books, but rather a place to gain information and learn and share that information as well. It has also made me aware of the invaluable resource a librarian can be, not only for students, but for teachers. I want to collaborate more with the librarian when doing lessons and projects because the librarian can be a source of information and ideas.
This class has reminded me how much I truly enjoy children's literature. Before attending University of the Cumberlands to attain my Master's Degree in Reading/Writing, I started my graduate work (one semester) in Library Information Resources hoping to be a school librarian. School and district budget cuts were eliminating many of these positions in the schools so I decided to go into reading specialization to further my education. This is a decision that I do not regret and has given me a firm foundation in teaching literacy and reading. It seems fitting that my final graduate class upon graduation has rekindled my love for children's literature and in doing so has inspired me to return to the academia world to finish my Library Science degree with the desire to become a school librarian.
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